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MS1218VS – Clausing Kalamazoo Semi-Automatic Horizontal Miter Bandsaw 10” x 16” Max Rectangular Capacity

Model Number#:


Items Via Ship: Truck

FOB:  Kalamazoo, MI

Clausing Kalamazoo Semi-Automatic Horizontal Miter Bandsaw 10” x 16” Max Rectangular Capacity, 12” Round Capacity, Variable Speed Sheave Pulley Drive, SFPM 80 to 360 Blade Speed, 2 Hp drive motor, 230/460 Volts 3 Phase

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  • 269-345-7155

Features and Benefits:

Semi-Automatic Saws can allow for power vise clamping, head rise and lower. The saw head will lower to make the cut and the blade will shut off after the cut is made.

Variable drive speed will adjust the speed of the pulleys with a button or knob. Two Hp main drive with magnetic starter and overload protection.

Three phase refers to three individual lines that connect to and run voltage through the motor. Each line alternates in a sequence as it reaches its voltage peak. This provides for a more stable flow of voltage and more horsepower to the machine.


Machine Style Semi-Automatic
Drive Type Variable Speed Drive
Maximum Capacity Round (inch) 12
Maximum Capacity Rectangle (inch) 10 x 16
Voltage 230/460
Phase 3
Coolant System Yes
Angular Cuts at 45 Degrees (inch) 8 x 12
Blade Size 1” x .035” x 136.5”
Blade Speeds (SFPM) 80 – 360
Blade Guide Type Carbide
Motor Horsepower 2

Machine Features:

  • Two (2) Hp main drive with magnetic starter and overload protection
  • 0°-45° Miter head cutting, make angle cuts without swinging material to be cut
  • Re-circulating coolant system with application through both guides
  • Swiveling saw head and bed allows operator to adjust for angle cutting without moving the stock angle (must adjust vise jaw angle)
  • Solid carbide blade guides with rollers
  • Variable blade speed drive
  • Automatic shut-off at end of cut
  • Integrated coolant system
  • Cast iron bed
  • Totally enclosed transmission
  • Blade cleaning brush
  • 2 Year limited warranty