
MS1625NC – Clausing Kalamazoo Automatic Horizontal Miter Bandsaw, Twin Column Head Support, 14.9” x 25.6” Max Rectangular Capacity

Model Number#:


Items Via Ship: Truck

FOB:  Kalamazoo, MI

Clausing Kalamazoo Automatic Horizontal Miter Bandsaw, Twin Column Head Support, 14.9” x 25.6” Max Rectangular Capacity, 16.5” Round Capacity, Smart 100 PLC Will Program Up To 100 Jobs, Variable Inverter Drive, SFPM 66 to 330 SFPM Blade Speed, 7.5 Hp drive motor, 230 or 460 Volts 3 Phase

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  • 269-345-7155

Features and Benefits:

Automatic Inverter controlled infinitely variable blade speed Miter Bandsaw can allow for power vise clamping, head rise and lower. Precision pivot system facilitates easy and accurate adjustment for angle cuts


A powerful drive motor provides the power, and the Smart NC-100 technology programmable up to 100 different jobs.

Three phase refers to three individual lines that connect to and run voltage through the motor. Each line alternates in a sequence as it reaches its voltage peak. This provides for a more stable flow of voltage and more horsepower to the machine.


Machine Style Automatic
Drive Type Variable Inverter Drive
Maximum Capacity Round (inch) 16.5
Maximum Capacity Rectangle (inch) 14.9 x 25.6
Voltage 230
Phase 3
Coolant System Yes
Angular Cuts at 45 Degrees (inch) 15.7 x 15.7
Blade Size 1.5” x .051” x 208.6”
Blade Speeds (SFPM) 66 – 330
Blade Guide Type Carbide
Motor Horsepower 7.5

Machine Features:

  • The swivel saw head allows cutting at any angle between 90 (straight cut) and 30 (miter cut)
  • Precision feed pressure & feed rate dual valve system
  • Inverter controlled infinitely variable speed
  • Smart NC-100 technology programmable up to 100 different jobs
  • Carbide blade guides with roller bearings
  • Automatic shutoff after preset number of cuts or when out of stock
  • 5.7” HMI touch screen incorporating readout on blade speed, blade life, feed vise position and error code display for self-diagnostics
  • Integrated coolant system
  • Conveniently designed control station
  • Easily recall and execute stored programs
  • Electrical components located inside the control box with main lockout disconnect
  • Automatic kerf loss compensation and automatic multiple indexing up to 393.6”
  • Save-A-Blade automatic vise retracting after material cut-off, reducing abrasion and improving blade life
  • 2 Year limited warranty